Ruth ward Mysteries

Caffè Milano: Bridget and Lucy Cosy Crime Mysteries

murder within tent, caffe milano mysteries, bridget and lucy, cosy crime

Murder Within Tent

Who knew that cake could be so deadly?

Byford is the perfect English village.

Apart from the body in the bake-off tent.

Bridget Gorrigan hates the countryside. With a passion. So why does a full on Goth from Liverpool find herself judging a baking competition in the middle of nowhere? Lucy. That’s why.

When one of the bakers drops dead, Bridget finds herself plunged into a mystery she simply has to solve, because Lucy is the prime suspect, and Lucy’s boyfriend is a police officer…

Find out how Bridget navigates the treacherous waters running through Byford and immerse yourself in the weird and wonderful world of Caffè Milano.

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extra shot of murder, caffe milano mysteries, bridget and lucy, cosy crime

Extra Shot of Murder

All Change for Byford and Beyond

Bridget is loving life. She loves her job, her new house, and she quite fancies the guy on the top floor with magic hands. Things are looking up for the Goth girl from Garston.

As dawn breaks over the Cowan Valley, Bridget takes a coffee to the studio where Tony Carson and his partners are ready to launch their business channel. Instead of a new start, she finds that Tony has come to a terrible end.

Murder with an Extra Shot

After her last entanglement with violent death, Bridget vows to stay well away until things go from bad to worse and she has to quit the café. With nothing left to lose, she decides to look into Tony’s murder before the killer disappears into the background.

When Bridget is backed into a corner, there is only one thing that will help her – she needs to find her A Game.