New releases and Magick updates
Discover the Books of Mark Hayden.
NEW! Three Ring Circus is out now and available to buy from Amazon. The new 3RC Dramatis Personae is also available to download from The Extras.
Three Ring Circus, the twelfth book of The King’s Watch is also available in Audiobook format, exclusive to Audible.

Discover the Books of Mark Hayden
Mark Hayden has created a rich, immersive world across twenty books – all featuring a recurring cast of characters who tackle both magickal and mundane adventures.
Start with The King’s Watch, where Conrad Clarke joins the world of magick.
When you’re ready, go back to see how he started his journey in the thrillers of the Operation Jigsaw trilogy, where we also meet Conrad’s nemesis DCI Tom Morton. After the Jigsaw, follow Tom’s story as he takes on two complex murder investigations as the Senior Officer.
Magickal Souvenirs
Visit the Shop for The King’s Watch merchandise.
Mugs, tee-shirts, badges and other items are available in two designs – the MTI logo and Conrad’s own personal coat of arms.
(Sadly Moley is not for sale!)

Join The Merlyn’s Tower Irregulars
Do you support the King’s Watch? Do you want to help keep the King’s Peace?
Then join us in the Merlyn’s Tower Irregulars.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a magickal talent. It doesn’t matter if you can’t shoot straight. Your contribution still matters.
You can join the Irregulars as an email subscriber or in the Facebook Group. The FB group has extra details, a lot of active members and mountains of mole-related madness.
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